Sunday, 5 March 2017

Niigata and Sado.

OK so this post is almost 2 years overdue, but in my defence by the time I'd processed the 800 odd photos from Tokyo and Kyoto I'd somewhat lost the will to live. Add to that the general propensity of life to carry on at break neck speed, and here I am almost 2 years later on a very rainy Sunday finally looking through the first set of photos from my Japan trip.

Our first stop after 3 flights and lots of terrible sleep was the "City" of Niigata, which is where my Aunt's family is from. After an overnight stay we caught (only just!) the boat to Sado, which a little later in the year is a popular Japanese holiday destination. We stayed in what can only be described as a hut, and if i never stay in one again I will be a very happy person! The sight of a massive centipede crossing my mother's bedding still haunts me today! Sado is quaint and beautiful, if perhaps a little too quite for my current tastes. At least in the very early season. However unlike in Tokyo and Kyoto you could enjoy the temples properly without being herded around, and with the exception of Felix's random toddler tantrums enjoy the serenity that they offer.