Saturday, 18 February 2017

The Colours of Arabia - In Spain!

Now normally I would not consider myself the kind of person who is drawn to Tourist trap shops, desperate to buy myself an I love Amsterdam T-shirt. I can even resist the tasteless magnets and bucket loads of thimbles. I may be persuaded to buy the odd postcard, but that's about as far as it goes.
Granada however, and in particular the Arabian district where we were staying was a different matter. The narrow streets were lined with small stall like shops all blindingly colourful displaying an array of delightfully garish wares. Whilst I may have resisted the aforementioned items, the temptation of rows of little shops selling a wide variety of fabrics, lamps, pottery and leather goods was a different matter, and in the end only my need to keep everything in hand luggage saved me! 
In the end I restricted myself to a scarf for my mother, some trousers for myself, and many a photograph.

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