Sunday, 4 August 2013

Hello World!

A little over a year ago I brought myself a fancyish Olypus pen compact camera, with the view to improve my holiday snaps, and in the past year I have produced some really good photos, but as most of them were more luck than judgement I have decided to go back to basics and start thinking about what effects my camera can produce, how best to frame shots etc.
I intend to start my journey by going old school and back to playing with my dad's old film camera, as I'm hoping the limited number of shots I can take will make me think more about what it is I'm shooting. Also as a chemist the idea of processing my own photos really appeals! Eventually I hope to apply these techniques back to my digital cameras (both the olympus and my trusty fujifilm point and shoot camera) to produce some even better photos.
My current photographic tastes are more towards landscapes and nature in general, and I have a current fondness for monochrome, but over the next few months/years whatever I intend to explore and experiment as much as my curiosity and ability will let me.
Below are just a few examples of things that have caught my eye.

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