Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Shooting at Shugborough

Filled with "new" camera excitement and a large backpack with 2 cameras and a whole heap of accessories I spent my Sunday touring Shugborough Hall. Shugborough is the familial seat of Lord Lichfield and is open to the public, with a working farm, servant's quarters stuck in the 1800's and the manor house, including what was once the private rooms of Lord Lichfield. Now normally the private rooms would have been of little interest, however since he was a renowned portrait photographer, my interest was increased dramatically, especially as they had some of his work on display.
Photography wise this was my first real attempt at using the fully manual settings on my Olympus, and give or take a couple of trial photos taken in my Mum's garden my first real opportunity with the film camera.
Whilst I am still waiting on the results of the film camera, I can at least make some conclusions regarding my digital.
Main Conclusion, stop overexposing the photos!
As you con see above, I appear to have been in general a little over cautious regarding the darkness of the image, and thus many features have been overblown.
I did however get a few better shots, though I think from now on I'm going to keep a notebook with the settings on my camera used for certain shots so I can correct myself in future.

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